Ionic Detox Footbath

Champalou Spa Ionic Foot Detox header

Detox Your Body $45 – $50

Call  (901) 545-9500 to make your appointment.

Your feet contain an average of 2,000 pores, and those pores are some of the largest in the body. There are more than 360 acupuncture points on the body, and more than 60 of them are located on the soles of the feet. Each acupuncture point correlates or connects to an organ and a specific area of the body, making the feet an ideal pathway for revitalizing well-being. The ionic footbath takes advantage of these ‘healing’ points by stimulating them through immersing the feet in water that is ionized. (Hence, the name ‘ionic footbath’) There are many claims on the Internet and by manufacturers about the detoxification effects of ionic footbaths.

Some researchers and footbath manufacturers claim that the weak electrical current that runs through the water, to which salt is added, creates a balance of negative and positive ions that ‘neutralize’ charged ions in the body. Then those neutralized particles are pulled out of the body, drawing toxins along with them. Some of these claimants also argue that ionizing footbaths over time create a healthier pH in the body.

We at Champalou Spa cannot make any claim that these detoxification effects occur during an ionizing footbath. We can say that alternative, through the practices of acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, and other techniques, has shown that the feet can be a pathway to healing. We also can say that some people, our clients included, claim their health is improved through using ionizing footbaths over time and on a regular basis.

This procedure is also available in a 12 set series, lasting 6 weeks coming 2x per week.

Inoic Detox Foot Bath #1

Inoic Detox Footbath #3